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Urban Design

Architecture  Criticism



Ph.D in Urban  Planning and Design, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, 2001

Master in  Urban Planning & Design, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  1997

Bachelor in  Urban Planning, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji  University, 1994



Lecturer,  School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China,  (03/2001-present)



1.   Theory and Method of  Low-Carbon Urban Planning, 2009

Participant, National Science Foundation project

2.   Nanjing Urban Development  Strategy, 2007
Preside sub-theme

3.   Beijing Old City  Preservation Planning, 2007

4.   Preservation and Renewal  Planning and Design for Huazhi Area in Old City Beijing, 2006

5.   Waterfront Feature Study  in Baoshan District Shanghai, 2005

6.   Planning and Design of the  New Campus of Hebei Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering,  Zhangjiakou, Hebei, 2005

7.   Historic Preservation  Planning in Revising of Beijing Master Plan, 2004

8.   Urban Development and  Design Strategies of Weihai City, Shandong, 2003

9.   Zoning for Shouchang  District in Jiande Development Zone, Zhejiang, 2003

10.  Changing Planning  Modalities of Beijing's Master Plan, 2001
Cooperation with HKBU

11.  Conceptual Urban Design  Planning in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, 2002
Participate, won second prize of Excellent Planning and Design, by  Ministry of Construction of PRC, 2003

12.  Neighborhood Planning and  Design of Renheng Residential Area, Yanjiao Development Zone, Hebei,  2002




Urban Planning  and Design (12 students in autumn)

Neighborhood  Planning and housing design (10 students in autumn)

Architecture,  Urban Planning, Landscape Design (20 students in spring)


Introduction  on Urban Planning Theories

Architectural  Criticism (90 students in spring (20 students in autumn)



Visiting  Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 08/08-01/09

Tutor,  Tsinghua -MIT Joint Studio, 07/08-08/08

Tutor and  coordinator, Danish-Chinese Joint Project: Sustainable Urban Development  in China, 01/06-12/06

Visiting  Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 07/01-09/01



Tutored work  of Student won Excellent Work Award by China Urban Planning Education  Committee (2008)

Danish-Chinese  Project “Sustainable Urban Development in China” won Golden Lion Award  in Venice Biennial (2006)

Funded by  National Foundation for Academic Publication on Science and Technology,  for publication of my book titled as Urban Design in a Social Approach  (China Architecture and Building Press) (2006)

Second prize  of Excellent Planning and Design, by Ministry of Construction of PRC,  for Conceptual Urban Design Planning in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province  (participate) (2003)

Third prize of  excellent paper, by Urban Planning Society of China, for the paper  Design Control System: Toward Comprehensive Urban Design (2002)




Coordinator  for Sino-German Conference on Urban Sustainability: Green City  Development Mechanisms, Tsinghua University-TU Berlin, Beijing,  2005-2006

Coordinator  for IFOU 2006 Beijing International Conference: Modernization &  Regionalism, Tsinghua University-TU Delft, Beijing, 2005-2006

Social organization

Director of  Editorial Department, Journal of Urban and Regional Planning

Member of  Expert Committee in National Urban Planner Register Center

Member of  Urban Design Academic Committee, Urban Planning Society of China

National  registered Urban Planner



Journal papers

1.   Gu, Chaolin, Zongbo Tan,  Wan Liu, et., Low-Carbon City Planning: Developmental direction of low  carbon, Construction Science and Technology, no.15, 2009

2.   Liu, Wan, Chinese villa,  Journal of Urban and Regional Planning no.2, 2009

3.   LIU, Wan, Methods of Urban  Design Comprehensive Impact Evaluation, the Architect, no.114, 2005,  pp.9-19.

4.   LIU, Wan, The Fountain of  Urban Design Theories and Thoughts V: Urban Design as a Sustainer of  Ecological Environment & a Materialization of Futurological Vision,  Urban Planning Overseas, no.4, 2005, pp.52-58

5.   LIU, Wan, The Fountain of  Urban Design Theories and Thoughts IV: Urban Design as An Experiment of  Modern Technology, Urban Planning Overseas, no.2, 2005, pp.75-79

6.   IU, Wan, The Fountain of  Urban Design Theories and Thoughts III: Urban Design as An Inheritor of  Urban Culture, Urban Planning Overseas, no.1, 2005, pp.43-48.

7.   IU, Wan, The Fountain of  Urban Design Theories and Thoughts II: Urban Design as An Expression of  Commemorative Form, Urban Planning Overseas, no. 6, 2004, pp.40-46

8.   IU, Wan, The Fountain of  Urban Design Theories and Thoughts I: Urban Design as A Reflection of  Social Order, Urban Planning Overseas, no.4, 2004, pp.40-45

9.   LIU, Wan, Overall  Strategic Program: A Comprehensive Guarantee for the Process of Urban  Design Practice, Urban Planning Review, no.7, 2004, pp.59-63

10.  LIU, Wan, Public  participation in Urban Design, Architectural Journal, no.5, 2004,  pp.10-13

11.  LIU, Wan, Urban Design  Theories and Thoughts: Past, Present And Future, World Architecture,  no.3, 2004, pp.77-78

12.  LIU, Wan, Design Control  System: Toward Comprehensive Urban Design, Urban Planning Review, no.5,  2003, pp.19-25

13.  LIU, Wan, Characters of  Urban Design Practice, Architectural Journal, no.4, 2003, pp.16-20

14.  LIU, Wan, The Relation Of  Urban Design and Correlative Fields, Urban Planning Review no.3, 2003,  pp.53-57

15.  Liu, Wan, The Scopes and  Factors of Urban Design, Urban Planning Forum no.1, 2001, pp.76-80

16.  Liu, Wan, Integrative  Impact Assessment: A New Approach to Improving Urban Design Practice,  Architect no.100, 2002, pp.12-21

17.  Liu, Wan, City Renewal  through Urban Design Approach, World Architecture no.6, 2001, pp30-33

18.  Liu, Wan, Roles and  Objectives in Urban Design Practice, Urban Planning Overseas no.2, 2001,  pp13-16

19.  Liu, Wan, Evolution of  Urban Design Concepts: A Critical Review, Urban Planning Review, no.12,  2000, pp16-22

20.  Liu, Wan, Interview:  Defects of Contemporary Construction in Chinese Cities, New Weekly,  no.6, 2000, p21

21.  Liu, Wan, A Method of  Landscape Design in Community Planning: Environment Improvement in  Changdao Housing Estate, Planners, no.2, 2000, pp49-53

22.  22Liu,  Wan,         Inspiration and Architectural Originality, Journal of  Northwest University of Architecture, no.4, 1999, pp29-34

23.  Liu, Wan, Chinese  Architectural Art and Traditional Culture, Chinese Culture, no.6, 1993,  pp53-55

24.  Liu, Wan, Architectural  Culture of Historic City: Xi’an, Chinese Culture, no.6, 1993, pp62-64.

25.  Translation

26.  Liu, Wan, Translation of  Bruno Stagno’s article: Architecture for A Latitude

27.  Architectural Journal,  no.1, 1999, pp10-12

28.  Liu, Wan, Translation of  Bruno Stagno’s article: Architecture of the 21st Century

29.  UIA XX Congress  proceedings, 1999, pp47-54

30.  Republished in  Architectural Journal, no.7, 1999, pp13-16

31.  Liu, Wan, Translation of  Kenneth Frampton’s article: Architectural Culture in the 21st Century:  Prospects and Paradoxes, Keynote Speech in UIA XX Congress, 1999

32.  Liu, Wan, Translation of  Christine Auclair’s article: City Indicators: How Much Do Cities Earn  and Spend?, Urban Age (Chinese Edition), Habitat: United Nations Centre  for Human Settlement, Autumn, 1998, pp36-37

33.  Liu, Wan, Translation of  Cliff Hague’s article: The Road from Istanbul: The Challenge of Habitat  II for Planners and Architects, Urban Planning Overseas, no.2, 1998,  pp25-29.

34.  Liu, Wan, Translation of  Scott Campbell’s article: Green Cities, Growing Cities, Just Cities?  Urban Planning Overseas, no.4, 1997, pp17-27

Selected conference proceedings

1.   ZHANG, Y., W. LIU, P. LIN,  Thinking and Inspiration in Rural Planning Studio, CUPEC (China Urban  Planning Education Committee) 2007 Conference, Aug. 2007

2.   LIU, Wan, Urban Design  Process: A Case Study of Wangfujing Pedestrian Precinct in Beijing,  AESOP(The Association of European Schools of Planning) 2004 Congress  Proceeding, Grenoble, France, July 2004


1.   Gu, Chaolin, et., Climate  Change and Low0Carbon City Planning, Southeast University Press, 2009

2.   LIU, Wan, Urban  Development and Design Strategies: a case study of Weihai City,Beijing  Science & Technology Press, 2007

3.   LIU, Wan, Urban Design in  a Social Approach: Theory, Practice and Evaluation, China Architecture  and Building Press, 2006

4.   LIU, Wan, Urban Design  Principles in City Renewal, A part in “Housing for All: Old and  Dilapidated Housing Renewal Of Chengdu”, edited by Chengdu Old and  Dilapidated Housing Renewal Office & Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences,  Sichuan People’s Publishing House, 2005, pp407-418

5.     LIU, Wan, Ancient  Architecture and Traditional Culture, Chapter10 in “Traditional Chinese  Culture”, edited by Q. Z. ZHANG, Higher Education Press, 1994, pp223-242


1.   LIU, Wan, one of the  authors and translators of the book Youth Architects in China,  Intellectual Property Publishing House, 2001

2.   Liu, Wan, Translation of  Chapter 4, 5, and 10, Urban Planning In China’s Transition to a  Socialist Market Economy: Ideas from the United States and Japan,  (electronic publication), Tsinghua University Press, 1998­­

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